0207008998 DWI 11/13/2007

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Description: Driving while intoxicated

Commander Entering: Lt. Jeremy Garcia Deputy Assigned: Dep Shannon Coles

Arrested: Cirilo Puma DOB: 10/6/57

Charges: DWI

A call from a crime check resulted in the above person being contacted in his vehicle.  Contact with the driver was made.  Deputy noted several signs of intoxication.  Male was arrested for DWI.

0207-8965/ Recieving stolen property and fraud/ 11-12-07

Deputy Assigned: Solomon Romero

Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza

Location: 5741 Airport Road/ Giant Gas Station

Suspect 1: Juan Carlos Ramirez   age 25

Suspect 2: Ernesto Becerra   age 22

Charges: Recieving transferring stolen property , Fraud

Suspects were located at the above location exchanging gas for cash. They were utilizing stolen credit cards from a burgalry reported to New Mexico State Police off El Gancho Way. Suspects were in possession of the victims driver's license and social security card.  The investigation was turned over to New Mexico State Police and the suspects were charged with the above crimes.

Felony DWI,Reckless

Deputy Assigned: Brian Nissen

Commander Entering: Cpl. Bill Ritch

Location: State Road 599 Mile post 13

Arrested: Ronnie Valencia 47 Santa Fe

  the above suspect was observed traveling southbound on State Road 599 near mile post 13 failing to maintain his lane of travel. subject when stopped the driver showed signs of impairment. driver was placed under arrest and agred to breath test the results were .28/.28 the driver had 7 previous DWI on his License.


Deputy Assigned: Michael Delgado

Commander Entering: Cpl. Bill Ritch

Location: Edgewood Middle School

Suspects: On File

on 11/7/2007 several juveniles broke into the above middle school and took misc. snacks ans chips. entery was gained into the school by shattering a window.

Case # 0207008968 / Agg. Batt. on Household Member / 11-12-07

Deputy assigned: Deputy Dennis Benavidez

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: Double Arrow Road

Victim: 70 year old female

Arrested: David Newcomb, Santa Fe, NM, age 62

On November 11, 2007, victim reported that her husband became enraged with her and threw a hard-plastic pitcher at her, striking her in the back and shattering the pitcher.  She did have an abrasion under her right shoulder blade.  The suspect did admit to the battery and was place under arrest.

Case # 0207008928 / Tampering with evidence / 11-12-07

Deputy assigned: Deputy Brian Markley

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: Cerrillos/Beckner Rd

Suspect arrested: Luis Corral, Santa Fe, NM, age 39

Charges: Tampering with evidence, DWI, Careless driving

Above subject involved in a motor vehicle crash and fled the scene in his vehicle. Subject removed his bumper and hid it in a field.  He was subsequently stopped on West Frontage Road and found to be intoxicated.  He was placed under arrest and booked accordingly.

Case # 0207008929 / Possession of Marijuana (under 1oz) / 11-12-07

Deputy assigned: Deputy Diego Lucero

Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez

Location: Katarina Road

Suspect arrested: Marty Perryman, Santa Fe, NM, age 45

On November 10th, Deputies responded to the above address concerning an intoxicated male. Deputies identyfied the above subject laying on the side of the roadway and in possession of suspected marijuana.  Subject was arrested without incident.

Case#:  0207008954/ Service of Documents, Possession of a controlled substance to wit: marijuana, Driving while license is suspe

Deputy assigned:  Deputy Shannon Coles

Commander entering:  Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location of arrest:  Airport Road & Camino Juliana, Santa Fe, NM

Suspect:  Alyc Duran, age 21, Santa Fe, NM

Charged:  Bench warrant out of Municipal Court charging failure to appear and Possession of a controlled substance to wit:  Marijuana, Driving on a suspended license, No insurance, Lighted lamps are required.

Suspect was observed in vehicle westbound on Airport Road at Paseo del Sol with no tail lights.  Suspect was stopped and identified.  Suspect had a warrant out of Municipal Court.  Before searching suspect, he advised he had a bag of marijuana in his pocket.  He did not have a driver's license in his possession in which his name was run through DMV and came back suspended.  Driver did not have proof of insurance.  He was then arrested and transported to the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center and booked accordingly.

0207008938, Breaking and Entering, Criminal damage to Property, 11/1107

Deputy Assigned: J. Jacquez

Commander Entering: Cpl. M. Post

Location: Edgewood Elementary School

Suspect: Pending

Several Juveniles were detained an questioned regarding Criminal damage at the Edgwood Elementary school.  It appears Breaking and entering occurred. this case is under investigation.  

0207008932, Criminal Damage to Property, 11/10/07

Deputy Assigned: J. Chavez, F. Suazo

Commander Entering: Cpl. M. Post

Location: Bishop's Lodge Resort   1297 Bishop's Lodge Road

Suspect: Sigfredo Vigil   Age: 29  Pojoaque

Sigfredo Vigil was arrested for Felony Criminal Damage to Propertry after deputies responded to Bishops lodge Resort for a fight in progress.  During the altercation, Vigil is reported to have kicked on of the large ornamental doors to the Lodge causing damages over $1000.00.