Arrest By Warrant
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Deputy Assigned: DAvid Jaramillo
Commander Entering: Cpl. Bill Ritch
Location: 28 Camino Justicia
Arrested: Gilbert Cardenas-Esquibel 31 Santa Fe
Mr. Cardenas-Esquibel was incarcerated at the Santa Fe County Detention Center and was arrested on a outstanding warrant out of District Court Bond was set at $ 50,000 Cash
Arrest By Warrant
Deputy Assigned: David Jaramillo
Commander Entering: Cpl. Bill Ritch
Location: 28 Camino Justicia
Arrested: Deanna Martinez 33 Chimayo NM
suspeect was incarcerated at the Santa Fe County Detention Center and was served with a outstanding warrant out of Bernalillo County. Bond was set at $10,000.
Arrest By Warrant
Deputy Assigned: David Jaramillo
Commander Entering: Cpl. Bill Ritch
Location: 28 Camino Justicia
Arrested: Beverly Aguilar 47 Santa Fe
Ms. Aguilar was incarcerated at the Santa fe County Detention Center and was booked on a outstanding warrant out of Santa Fe District Court. Bond was set at $50,000 Cash
Arrest By Warrant
Deputy Assigned: Agent Gabe Gonzales
Commander Entering: Cpl. Bill Ritch
Location: 3900 Block Camino Julianna
Arrested: Garcia, Monica 28 Santa Fe
Ms. Garcia was arrested on a outstanding Arrest warrant out of District Court and was booked into the Santa Fe County Detention Center and is being held without bond.
Case # 0207008904/Unlawful Taking of a Motor Vehicle / 11-9-07
Deputy Assigned: Deputy Chris Archuleta
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: Rattler Road / Madrid
Stolen: 1992 Red Jeep Cherokee, NM License Plate: JCD 202
The victim reported that she permitted a friend to stay in her residence for a short time. The victim reported that her friend went missing on November 7, 2007 and the victim's 1992 Red Jeep Cherokee was also found to be gone. The victim reported that her friend contacted her via telephone and told her that she had taken the Jeep and would return it on November 8, 2007. The Jeep was never returned. The jeep was entered into NCIC as stolen Property and the case is under investigation.
Case #0207008897 Fugitive from Justice 11/09/07
Assigned: Agent Gabe Gonzales
Commander entering: Sgt. Belarmino Lopez
Location of Incident: State of Pennsylvania
Arrest Location: 2100 Block of Senda de Daniel
Arrested: Robert J. Scott DOB: 07/24/37
The above subject was located and arrested on an active Warrant from North Hampton County Commonwealth of Pennslyvania sexual crimes against a child. No Bond was set and was transported to the Santa Fe County Jail and booked into the jail as a Fugitive from Justice pending arraignment and extradition hearings.
0207008882/ Aggravated DWI, Reckless Driving/ 11-08-07
Deputy Assigned: M. Jaramillo
Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros
Location: State Road 4/State Road 502
Arrested: Noel Martinez (36 YOA), P.O. Box Chamayo, NM 87532
Charges: Aggravated Driving while under the influence, Reckless Driving
Above subject was the driver of a vehicle involved in a two vehicle crash with injuries at the above listed location. Subject was administered field sobriety tests and showed signs of impairment. Subject was arrested and submitted to a breath test in which the results showed that his alcohol content was over twice the legal limit of .08.
0207008850 Arrest by Warrant 11-07-07
Deputy Assigned: Agt. Gabe Gonzales
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location: 28 Camino Justicia
Arrested: Paul Alejo DOB: 01-03-70
On the above date, the above named defendant was arrested without incident on a District Court Order for trafficking in a controlled substance to-wit Crack Cocaine.
0207008849 Arrest by Warrant 11-07-07
Deputy Assigned: Agt. Gabe Gonzales
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location: 28 Camino Justicia
Arrested: Artemio Garcia-Marroquin DOB:02-16-67
On the above date, the above named defendant was arrested without incident on a Magistrate Court Order for failure to appear.
0207008848 Arrest by Warrant 11-07-07
Deputy Assigned: Agt. Gabe Gonzales
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location: 28 Camino Justicia
Arrested: Linda Lucero DOB: 02-16-49
On the above date, the above named defendant was arrested without incident on a District Court Order for failure to comply with conditions of probation.