Case: 0207008564, Felony DWI, Abandonment or abuse of a child (3 counts), Date: 10/27/07
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Deputy assigned: Deputy Brian Markley
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location of arrest: State Rd. 41/Via Si Road, Galisteo, NM
Suspect: Robert J. Montoya, age 52, Santa Fe, NM
Charged: Felony DWI, Abandonment or abuse of a child (3 counts)
On 10/27/07 at approximately 1125 hours Montoya was travelling northbound on State Rd. 41 at mm 33 when his 15 year old daughter called the Sheriff's Office, reporting that her father was intoxicated and while operating his vehicle on SR 41 at a high rate of speed(100 mph in a posted 55mph speed zone.) Present inside the vehicle were suspect's 2 daughters ages 15 & 13 along with their friend. All 3 girls could be heard on the phone screaming, because of fear for their lives. Montoya was located on Via Si Road and SR 41. Montoya after completing the field sobriety tests, was arrested for DWI and was requested to submit to a breath test. The results of Montoya's breath test was .19 and .18. A check of DMV revealed that suspect had 5 previous convictions for DWI on his history.
Case # 0207008559/Runaway/10-27-2007
Deputy Assigned: Deputy Dennis Benavidez
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: Panda Lane
Runaway: Martin Ozcar Mendoza-Ruiz, 16 yoa male juvenile
The above named juvenile male ran away from home today after 1:00 PM. He was last seen wearing a light blue hoodie and a gray basketball shirt. He was entered into NCIC.
Case #0207008517 / Buglary / 10-26-07
Deputy assigned: Deputy Tracy Baca
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: El Gancho Fitness Club
On 10/26/07, at about 5:00am, employees of the above location found an open sliding door and signs of rummaging in different areas. There were no signs of damage or missing items. No suspects are known at this time.
Case #0207008560/Assault Against a Household Member/10/27/2007
Deputy Assigned: Deputy Diego Lucero
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: Ryan Road / Edgewood
Arrested: Jennifer Barclay
The above named defendant was arrested at her residence after she was involved in a domestic dispute between her husband and his girlfriend, who resides in the residence with the married couple. (Polygamist relationship) The two woman were involved in a verbal argument and Mrs. Barclay assaulted the female victim by throwing a mixed drink into her face. She was arrested and booked accordingly.
Case #0207008516 / Breaking and Entering / 10-26-07
Deputy assigned: Deputy Dennis Benavidez
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: Eldorado Chevron
On October 26, 2007, at about 4:36am, Deputies responded to an activated alarm at the above location and found evidence of forced entry. Nothing inside was disturbed or missing. No suspects are known at this time.
Case #0207008512 / Poss. of a controlled substance, to wit: marijuana / 10-26-07
Deputy assigned: Deputy Dennis Benavidez
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: 8380 Cerrillos Rd. (Outlet Mall)
Arrested: Montoya, Gabriel - age 21, Santa Fe, NM
Above subject was passed out in his vehicle in the above parking lot. Deputies made contact with him and noticed a baggy of apparent marijuana in plain view on the passenger seat. Subject admitted the substance was his and he was placed under arrest.
Case #0207008570 / DWI / 10-26-07
Deputy assigned: Deputy David Clendenon
Commander entering: Cpl Daniel Chavez
Location: US 84/285 at Buffalo Thunder Road
Arrested: Chacon, Horacio - age 38, Rio Rancho, NM
Above suspect was traveling on the above highway and unable to maintain his lane. He subsequently stopped and exhibited signs of impairment. He admitted to drinking alcoholic beverages and had in his possession drug paraphernalia. Suspect was arrested and booked into ADC.
Case# 0207008509, Burglary, Date 10/25/07
Deputy Assigned: Mike Delgado
Commander Entering: Lt Robert Riggs
Location: Bishops Lodge Road (Bishops Lodge)
Suspect/Charges: Pending
On 10/25/07 between 7:45am and 8:00pm the suspects forced entry into the residence through a window. Taken was electronic items and jewelry. The case is still under investigation.
Case# 0207008507, Aggravated DWI, Date 10/25/07
Deputy Assigned: Moises Pena
Commander Entering: Lt Robert Riggs
Location: State Road 14 and Valle Vista Blvd
Suspect: Jimmy Sandoval, 57 YOA, Santa Fe NM
Charges: Aggravated DWI and Reckless Driving
On 10/25/07 the suspect was observed by Lt Robert Riggs driving North in the Southbound lanes of State Road 14. Several vehicles including Lt Riggs had to leave the roadway to avoid a collision. Upon being stopped it was determined that the suspect was intoxicated. The suspect was arrested and a test determined his BAC was a .18 or higher. The suspect was booked into the adult detention center.
Case# 0207008497, Burglary, Date 10/25/07
Deputy Assigned: Ernest Borrego
Commander Entering: Lt Robert Riggs
Location: Senda Vieja (Bishops Lodge)
Suspect/Charges Pending
On 10/25/07 the housesitter went to the residence and found the front door forced open. The owner was contacted and would be checking to determine what items were taken. The case is still under investigation.