0207008237, Burglary, Larceny, Criminal Damage, 10/16/07
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Deputy assigned: G. Lovato
Commander Entering: Cpl. M. Post
Location: San Marcos Loop Turquoise Elementary
Suspect: Pending
Victim's vehicle, a 1999 Suburban was entered by force in the parkinglot of the school at about 8:10 a.m. Various items were taken including a purse and cell phone. Case is under investigation.
0207008239, Larceny, 10/16/07
Deputy Assigned: G. Lovato
Commander Entering: Cpl. M. Post
Location: 6400 block Vuelta Rael Santa Fe
Suspect: Pending
Victim reports a computer and antique belt were taken from residence. No forced entry found. Case is under investigation.
Case #: 0207008263 / Burglary / 10/16/2007
Deputy Assigned: Deputy David Bibb
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: Hidden Valley Road
Stolen: Microwave Oven, 15 Blue Jeans, 1 Dell Laptop Computer, Misc. Jewelry
The victim reported that sometime between 1:00 PM and 10:30 PM, unknown persons forced entry into the victims residence by kicking the east facing door in. The suspect(s) then removed above listed items.
Case# 0207008260, Attempted Burglary, Date: 10/16/07
Deputy Assigned: Mike Delgado
Commander Entering: Lt Robert Riggs
Location: Bosque Cillo (Rancho Viejo)
Suspect/Charges: Pending
On 10/16/07 between 5:00pm and 7:00pm the victim went to his house which is under construction. He found that the suspects tried to force open the double doors but was unable to gain entry into the residence. Nothing was taken from the residence. The case is still under investigation.
Case# 0207008259, Service of Warrant, Date 10/16/07
Deputy Assigned: Brian Markley
Commander Entering: Lt Robert Riggs
Location: East Frontage Road / Entrada La Cienega
Suspect: Roger Tomlinson, 35 YOA, Santa Fe NM
Charges: Driving while License Suspended, Roadways Laned For traffic, Arrest Warrant
On 10/16/07 the above suspect was stopped for failing to maintain his lane. When checked it was determined that the suspect had a suspended driver license with an arrest clause and an active arrest warrant out of the City of Santa Fe. The suspect was arrested and booked into the adult detention without incident.
Case#0207008189/Breaking and Entering/ 10-15-07
Deputy Assigned:Doug Wood,
Commander Entering:Sgt. Ben Encinias
Location Of Incident:Agua Fria
On the above date the suspect was seen running out of the Santa Fe Concrete building. A foot chase after the suspect ended up in a negative results. Nothing appeared to be missing.
Case#0207008150/Aggravated DWI/10-14-07
Deputy Assigned:Martin Rivera
Commander Entering:Sgt. Ben Encinias
Location Of Incident:Old Las Vegas Hwy
Arrested:Paul Bennett/Vehicle:2005 BMW Motorcycle
On the above date the suspect and his friend were traveling north on Old Las Vegas Hwy when his friend was involved in a motorvehicle accident. While investigating the accident it was discovered that the suspect was under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs. The suspect was placed under arrest and booked accordingly.
Deputy Assigned:Dave Clendenin
Commander Entering:Sgt. Ben Encinias
Location Of Incident:Hillside Ave.
Arrested:John Herrera/Vehicle:1999 Pontiac Grand Am
On the above date the suspect was stopped for a traffic violation. During the stop it was discovered taht he was under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs. The suspect was placed under arrest and booked accordingly.
Case#0207008147/DWI/Trafficking A Controlled Susbstance/10-14-07
Deputy Assigned:Brian Markley
Commander Entering:Sgt. Ben Encinias
Location Of Incident:Camino Espejo
Arrested:Jesse Manzanares/Vehicle:2000 Jeep Wrangler
On the above date the suspect was stopped for a traffic violation. During the stop it was discovered that the suspect was under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs. He was also found to be in possession of a significant amount of marijuana. The suspect was placed under arrest and booked accordingly.
Case#0207008137/Battery Against A Household Member/10-14-07
Deputy Assigned:Martin Rivera
Commander Entering:Sgt. Ben Encinias
Location Of Incident:Calle Loma Bonita
Arrested:Everardo Saennzrojas
On the above date the suspect was placed under arrest after being involved in a altercation with his girlfriend. He was placed under arrest and booked accordingly.