Case#0207008136/Unlawful Taking Of A Motor Vehicle/DWI/10-14-07

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Deputy Assigned:Anna Chavez

Commander Entering:Sgt. Ben Encinias

Location Of Incident:Chalon Rd.

Arrested:Patrice Visarraga/Vehicle:2002 Oldsmobile

On the above date the suspect was stopped for a traffic violation . During the stop it was discovered that the suspect was driving a stolen vehicle and she was under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs. She was placed under arrest and booked accordingly.


Deputy Assigned:Dave Clendenin

Commander Entering:Sgt. Ben Encinias

Location Of Incident:Rincon Ct.

Arrested:Stephen Rubin/Vehicle:2006 Suburban

 On the above date the suspect was stopped for a traffic violation . At that time it was discovered that he was under the influence of intoxicating liqour or drugs. The suspect was placed under arrest and booked accordingly.


Deputy assigned:David Clendenin



Deputy Assigned:Ron Crow

Commander Entering:Sgt. Ben Encinias

Location Of Incident:Old Las Vegas Hwy

 Arrested:Jonaidan Marr/ Vehicle:1994 Jaguar

On the above date the suspect was stopped after he almost struck another vehicle. During the stop it was discovered that he was under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs. The suspect was placed under arrest and charged accordingly.

0207008125 Larceny

Deputy Assigned: John Lucero

Comander Entering: Cpl. Bill Ritch.

Location: 1900 Block Case Road

Susprct: Pending

 On Friday October 12, 2007 victim reported that he had items stored outside a residence and when he went to retrieve them they were gone. taken were several power tools and camping equipment.

0207008123 Burglary

Deputy Assigned: Solomon Romero

Commander Entering: Cpl Bill Ritch

Location: Paseo Del Oso

Suspect: On file

on Saturday October 13, 2007 the victim reported that suspects entered the residence through a skylight once inside the suspect removed Misc tools, weight equipment, and binoculars all valued at $655.00

0207008141 Burglary

Deputy Assigned: John LUcero

Commander Entering: Cpl. Bill Ritch

Location: 3000 Block Jemez Road

Suspect: Hispanic Female 30-35 Years old Homeless looking

On Saturday October 13, 2007 at 2:30pm the victims son reported that he confronted a female in the residence who was holding a clear piggy bank and a watch, when the female was confronted she ran out the front door of the victims residence and fled the area on foot. deputies searched the area but were unable to locate suspect

Case # 0207008128 / Driving While Intoxicated / 10/12/2007

Deputy Assigned: Deputy Diego Lucero

Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien

Location: O Go Wii Road

Stolen: $802.23

The owner of a restaurant at this location reported that an employee embezzled said amount of money that was hidden in a storage room. The case is still under investigation.

Case # 0207008134 / Unattended Death / 10/12/2007

Deputy Assigned: Deputy Bryan Peters

Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien

Location: Verano Loop / Eldorado Subdivision

Victim: 78 year old Female

An 78 yoa woman was found deceased in bed by family members. The woman had recently suffered a stroke. There was no suspicous activity found and the death appeared to be of natural causes.

0207008095Escape from jail/Homicide by vehicle

Deputy assigned: Michael  Delgado

Commander entering: Sgt. Ernest Borrego

Location of incident: 28 Camino Justicia/NM 599

Arrested/Suspect: Richard Baker Santa Fe age 35

On 10/11/07 at 2:48 pm Suspect was on a work detail outside of the County jail, and escaped by getting in a 1995 Chevy Suburban, brown in color, bearing NM plate# GHZ-451, being driven by his wife, Melissa Baker age 30. Suspects were involved in a hit and run in the city limits and were located by Deputy's on NM 599. A high speed pursuit ensued, and ended when the suspect crashed when he tried to avoid a spikebelt. Suspect was arrested, but his wife died at the scene as a result of injuries.