0207-7277/ Aggravated Burglary/ 9-14-07

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Deputy John Lucero

Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza

Location: Camino Bajo

Suspect: Pending

Charges: Pending

ON 9-14-07 suspect(s) forced entry into a residence by cutting a screen. Upon entering the residence the suspect took four antique rifles, four turquoise bracelets and change. A description was given of two suspects in the area.

0207-7275/ Warrant Arrest/ 9-14-07

Deputy John Lucero

Commander entering: Sgt. Adan Mendoza

Location: Santa Fe County Sheriff's Department

Suspect: John Torres   age 29

Charges: Magistrate Court warrant for failure to appear and a Municipal warrant for failure to appear.

 The above suspect was served with the two above warrants at the Santa Fe County Sheriff's department.

Case# 0207007165, Burglary

Date: 09/10/07

Deputy Assigned: Moises Pena

Commander Entering: Lt Robert Riggs

Location: Calle Inez

Suspect: Pending

Charges: Pending

On 09/10/07 between 8:00am and 4:00pm the suspects forced entry into the residence by kicking open the front door. Taken was several electronic items and cash. The case is still under investigation.

Case# 0207007157, Burglary

Date: 09/10/07

Deputy Assigned: Joe Chavez

Commander Entering: Lt Robert Riggs

Location: Shorthorn Lane

Suspect: Pending

Charges: Pending

Between 09/06/07 and 09/10/07 the suspects broke into the victims tack shed. Entry was cut by cutting the lock. Taken was horse tack. The case is still under investigation.


0607009694 Arrest by Warrant 09-10-07

Deputy Assigned: Agt. Gabe Gonzales

Commander: Lt. Marco Lcuero

Location: ADC

Arrested: Joshua Garcia DOB: 01-01-88

On the above date the above named defendant was arrested without incident on a District Court Order for failure to comply with conditions of Probation.

0207009694 Arrest by Warrant 09-10-07

Deputy Assigned: Agt. Gabe Gonzales

Entering Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero

Location: ADC

Arrested: Joe Garcia DOB: 05-26-85

On the above date, the above named defendant was arrested without incident on a District Court order for failure to comply with conditions of Probation.

0207007101, Burglary, Larceny, Criminal Damage to Property

Date:  09/09/07

Deputy assigned:  Cpl. Mike Post

Commander entering:  Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location:  Highway 475 mm 5, Santa Fe, NM

Victim parked vehicle on Hwy 475 mm 5 for about 25 minutes and it was burglarized.  Vehicle was entered by force thru passenger window.  Wallet and an electric razor was taken.  Estimate value of items taken is $180.00.

Case # 0207007077   Death Investigation

September 8, 2007

Deputy Assigned; Fred Suazo

Commander Entering:Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location 1300 Block of Granda Pa Ranch Lane

  On this date the victim was located inside the home after the landlord could not gat ahold of him for several days. Death appeared to be of natural causes.

0207007048, Aggravated Burglary, Larceny

Date:  09/07/07

Deputy assigned:  Deputy Michael Martinez

Commander entering:  Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location:  1300 block of Vista Morada, Santa Fe, NM

Victim reported finding his home burglarized after being away from his home for about 1 1/2 hours from 1100 am to 1230 pm.  Victim says person(s) gained entry through window and removed jewelry, Coniac decanters, and a handgun.  Estimated value of items taken is $8000.00.


Csae#0207007047   Larceny

September 7, 2007

Deputy assigned: Fred Suazo

Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location: Santa Fe County

    the above named victim stated she was at a party off Richards Avenue on 9-6-07 and her purse with the above items were stolen. Victim stated that after placing her purse down after a short time she noticed her purse missing. Case is pending