Case#2023000955/Warrant Service/2-14-23
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Deputy Assigned: J. Gioffredo
Commander Entering: Cpl. C. Valencia
Location: 1 Block of Old Las Vegas Hwy, Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Maurice Hilborn, 75YOM, Santa Fe, NM
Deputies conducted a traffic stop at the above location. During the course of the traffic stop it was learned the above subject had a warrant for his arrest. Subject was arrested on the warrant, transported and booked into jail without incident. Original Charge for warrant: Aggravated battery w/ a deadly weapon.
Case#2023000934/Burglary and Larceny/2-13-2023
Deputy Assigned: J. Soriano
Commander Entering: Cpl. C Valencia
Location: 300 Block of County Road 84, Santa Fe, NM
Stolen: Blue TREK mountain bike (Value $4000)
Deputies were dispatched to the above location in reference to a burglary that occurred sometime between, January 29, 2023 and February 13, 2023. Unknown suspect(s) entered a locked shed and gained unauthorized entry through a window. Taking the above item. Suspect(S) are still pending.
Case#2023000928/Warrant Service/2-13-23
Deputy Assigned: J. Puentes
Commander Entering: Cpl. C. Valencia
Location: El Sol Ct and I-25 W Frontage Rd, Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Randy Tapia, 32YOM, Santa Fe, NM
Deputies conducted a traffic stop at the above location. During the course of the traffic stop it was learned the above subject had a warrant for his arrest. Subject was arrested on the warrant, transported and booked into jail without incident.
Case#2023000923/Warrant Service/2-13-23
Deputy: J. War
Commander Entering: Cpl. Christopher Valencia
Location: 28 Camino Justicia, Santa Fe, NM (SF County Jail)
Arrested: Eliu Esquivel, 37 YOM, Santa Fe, NM
On the above date, deputies were dispatched to the county jail in reference to a male who had an active arrest warrant. The above subject's ID was verified and it was determined that the subject did have a warrant for his arrest. Subject was re-booked for the warrant (original charges- Unlawful use of a drivers license and driving while license revoked/suspended)
Case#2023000921/Revoked drivers license, suspended registration, no insurance/2-13-23
Deputy: J. War
Commander Entering: Cpl. Christopher Valencia
Location: 300 Block of Los Pinos Road, Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Michael Flores, 34 YOM, Santa Fe, NM
Deputy conducted a traffic stop on the above vehicle after a traffic violation was observed. It was discovered that the driver was driving on a revoked NM drivers license with an arrest clause, he did no have insurance, and his registration was suspended. Subject was arrested, transported and booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center without incident.
Case#2023000927/Warrant Service/2-13-23
Deputy: J. War
Commander Entering: Cpl. Christopher Valencia
Location: 28 Camino Justicia, Santa Fe, NM (Santa Fe County Jail)
Arrested: Gabriel Miera, 36 YOM, Santa Fe, NM
On the above date, deputies were dispatched to the county jail in reference to a male who had an active arrest warrant. The above subject's ID was verified and it was determined that the subject did have a warrant for his arrest. Subject was re-booked for the warrant (original charges-Battery on a household member and false imprisonment)
Case#2023000922, 2023000924, 2023000925, 2023000926/ Warrant Service/ 2-13-23
Deputy: J. War
Commander Entering: Cpl. Christopher Valencia
Location: 28 Camino Justicia, Santa Fe, NM (Santa Fe County Jail)
Arrested: Josue Esquibel, 36YOM, Santa Fe, NM
On the above date, deputies were dispatched to the county jail in reference to a male who had an active arrest warrant. The above subject's ID was verified and it was determined that the subject did have a warrant for his arrest. Subject was re-booked for the warrant (original charges-Case#2023000924 Mandatory financial responsibility, Case#2023000924 Driving while suspended/revoked, No registration, No Insurance, Case#2023000925 Driving while license suspended/revoked, Case#2023000926 Unlawful use of a drivers license, driving while license suspended/revoked, no insurance. )
2023000915/DUI/Receiving Stolen Property/Possession of controlled substance
Deputy Assigned: R. Blea
Commander Entering: Cpl. G. Nieto
Location: I-25/MM 275, Santa Fe, NM
Suspect: Benjamin Oser 25 y/om, Santa Fe, NM
Suspect was called in as a reckless driver and observed parked on the side of the road. Contact was made with the driver and signs of impairment were observed. Suspect had in his possession a firearm that was reported stolen along with a bag containing a white power like substance on his person. Suspect was arrested and booked into the Santa Fe Adult Detention Center.
2023000914/Diving while license revoked/License plate light
Deputy: T. Tixier
Commander Entering: Cpl. G. Nieto
Location: Rufina St/ Calle Atajo Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Dorlyn Lopez 25 YOF, Santa Fe, NM
On the above date, deputy conducted a traffic stop and the driver was found to be driving on a Invalid-Revoked license with the 66-8-122G arrest clause attached. Driver was arrested an booked into the Santa Fe Adult Detention Center.
2023000912/2023000913- Burglary of a motor vehicle
ASSIGNED DEPUTY: C. Lattin/ D. Lovato
VEHICLE: Ford F-250/Toyota Tacoma
On 2-12-2023 sometime between 6:00 AM and 5:00 PM, an unknown person(s) cut off the catalytic converter from two vehicles parked in a parking lot. There is no suspect(s) at this time as this case is under investigation.