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Deputy Assigned: JD Lujan
Commander Entering: Cpl. O. McCartney
Location: Calle Garcia, Santa Fe, NM
Stolen: Catalytic Converter
On Friday, February 10, 2023, deputies responded to the above area for a report of a larceny. Upon contacting the victim, they advised around 5:30 am on 02-10-2023, unknown suspects stole a catalytic converter from their vehicle. This case remains under investigation.
2023000875, Aggravated DWI, Roadways lane for traffic, improper turning, 2/10/2023
Deputy Assigned: M. Olivas
Commander Entering: Sgt. R. Garcia
Suspect/ Arrested: A. Gaillour age 28
Location: State Road 599/ Airport RD
A traffic stop was conducted on the driver. Signs of impairment were observed. Suspect was arrested and provided 2 breath samples indicating a Brac of more then double the legal limit of .08. Suspect was charged and booked accordingly.
2023000877, BATTERY ON HOUSEHOLD MEMBER, 02/10/2023
Deputy Assigned: I. Burr
Commander Entering: Sgt. R. Garcia
Suspect/ Arrested: D. Cordova age 31
Location: Quail Run
Deputies were dispatched in reference to a domestic disturbance. While on scene it was determined that suspect had been physically violent with her father. She was arrested and booked accordingly
2023000876, Possession of a stolen motor vehicle, Possession of a controlled substance, 2/10/2023
Deputy Assigned: A. Naranjo
Commander Entering: Sgt. R. Garcia
Suspect/ Arrested: J. Jones Age 29
Location: Pojoaque
Pojoaque license plate readers alerted Pojoaque Tribal Police of a stolen vehicle. Officers found the vehicle at McDonalds. Above named suspect was occupying the vehicle and was taken into custody. During search of person before placing in patrol vehicle, 13 grams of a crystal like substance was found on his person. The suspect was charged and booked accordingly.
2023000879, Aggravated assualt with a deadly weapon, 2/10/23
Deputy Assigned: L. Martinez
Commander entering: Sgt. R. Garcia
suspect/ arrested: E. Salazar Age 34
Victim reported he was sitting at the sports bar when he was approached by the suspect. Suspect asked the victim to move over, which the seat was occupied.
At that time, suspect pulled out a red handle pocket knife, and then armed himself with a second knife and directed them at the victim.
Suspect was immediately detained by security.
Suspect was charged and booked accordingly.
2023000868/Trafficking a Controlled Substance/02-10-2023
Deputy Assigned: JD Lujan
Commander Entering: Cpl. O. McCartney
Location: McCurdy Road/NM 76, Espanola, NM
Arrested: Jose Esquibel, 44 YOM
On Friday, February 10, 2023, deputies were patrolling the above area when they observed a vehicle with a wrong license plate. A traffic stop was conducted and the driver was found to have a revoked driver's license, from a previous DWI. He was subsequently placed under arrest and transported to the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility. There, officers located over 400 fentanyl pills on his person. He was booked accordingly and without incident.
2023000859/2023000860/2023000861/Warrant Service/02-10-2023
Deputy Assigned: O. Lopez
Commander Entering: Cpl. O. McCartney
Location: 18600 U.S. 84/285, Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Raymond Lopez, 29 YOM
On Friday, February 10, 2023, deputies were dispatched to the above area for a welfare check. Upon arriving in the area, contact was made with the above individual. It was learned he had three outstanding arrest warrants. After confirmation of their validity, he was placed under arrest and transported to the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility. There, he was booked without incident.
2023000870/Warrant Service/02-10-2023
Deputy Assigned: JD Lujan
Commander Entering: Cpl. O. McCartney
Location: 28 Camino Justicia, Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: William Vick, 29 YOM
On Friday, February 10, 2023, deputies responded to the above location for a report of an inmate with an active arrest warrant. Upon arrival, the warrant was confirmed to be valid and he was rebooked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility without incident.
2023007843, 202300842/Warrant Arrest/2-9-23
Deputy Assigned: A. Segura
Commander Entering: Cpl. E. Alderete
Location: 28 Camino Justicia, Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Sigifredo Chacon Lucero, 32 YOM
On Thursday, February 9, 2023, deputies responded to the above location due to the above person having an active bench warrant. They were rebooked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility without incident.
2023000710/Warrant Arrest/2/2/23
Deputy Assigned: J. Vigil
Commander Entering: Cpl. E. Alderete
Location: 28 Camino Justicia, Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Adamina Esquibel, 22 YOM
On Thursday, February 2, 2023, deputies responded to the above location due to the above person having an active bench warrant. they were rebooked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility without incident.