Case #2022007156 Possession of a controlled substance

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Deputy Assigned: I. Burr

Commander Entering: Cpl. B. Lattin

Location: Buffalo Thunder Casino

Suspect: Luis Mendoza Gomez, 24 yoa male, Santa Fe.

On the above list date Deputies responded to a narcotics violation call at 30 Buffalo Thunder. Upon arrival the above listed was found to be in possession of cocaine and charged accordingly.

Case #2022007154 Battery

Deputy Assigned: A. Naranjo

Commander Entering: Cpl. B. Lattin

Location: Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility, Santa Fe

Suspects: Alfred Valdez, 35 yoa male, Santa Fe; David Islas, 22 yoa male, Santa Fe; Darren Garcia, 33 yoa male, Santo Domingo

Deputies were dispatched to SFCADF in reference to an inmate being battered by 3 other inmates. The victim was transported to St Vincent’s hospital for evaluation due to him having preexisting injuries. During the course of the investigation a battery was observed and the above named subjects were charged and rebooked into SFCADF.

Case#2022007120/Criminal Damage to Property and Larceny/12-8-22

Deputy Assigned: R. Weber

Commander Entering: Cpl. C. Valencia

Location: Forest Lane, Santa Fe County, NM

Stolen: Two catalytic converters

Deputies responded to the above location in reference to a larceny. Upon arrival, it was learned that on December 1, 2022, unknown suspect(s) unlawfully removed two catalytic converters from two separate vehicles parked at the location. The victim stated the suspects caused damage to the vehicles during the course of the thefts. This case is under investigation.

Case#2022007111/Burglary of a Motor Vehicle/12-8-22

Deputy Assigned: A. Currey

Commander Entering: Cpl. C. Valencia

Location: Caja Del Oro Grant Road, Santa Fe, NM

Stolen: $1300 worth of diesel fuel

Deputies were dispatched to the above location in reference to a burglary of a vehicle. During the investigation, it was learned unknown suspect(s) unlawfully entered the vehicle. Once inside, the suspect(s) removed diesel fuel from six trucks parked on the lot. The scene was processed. This case is currently active.

Case#2022007116/Death Investigation/12-8-22


ENTERING COMMANDER: Cpl. Christopher Valencia

LOCATION: Vuelta Maria Santa Fe, NM


Deputies responded to a female, not conscious, not breathing. Life-saving measures were attempted, but were unsuccessful. There were no signs of foul play. OMI responded and took over the investigation.

Case#2022007117/Breaking and Entering/12-8-22

Deputy Assigned: J. Dillinger

Entering Commander: Cpl. C. Valencia

Location: 100 Block of Tesuque Village Road Santa Fe, NM

Deputies were dispatched to the above location in reference to unknown subjects squatting inside a vacant home. Upon arrival, deputies observed the front door to be kicked in and the home in disarray. A walk-through of the home was conducted and it was discovered someone had been sleeping inside the home. 

Case#2022007090/Aggravated Assault w/ a Deadly Weapon/ 12-7-22

Assigned Deputy: J. War

Commander: Cpl. Christopher Valencia

Suspect: Marquita Baca, 37YOF, Santa Fe, NM

Location: US 84/285 and State Road 503

Deputies observed a fight near the above location on the roadside. Upon investigation, it was learned that during the altercation, a firearm was brandished and pointed at the victim. It was also discovered the fight began as a road rage incident. Suspect was arrested, transported to the Santa Fe Adult Detention Center, and booked accordingly. 

Case#2022007085/Warrant Service/12-07-22

Deputy: D. Martinez

Commander Entering: Cpl. Christopher Valencia

Location: 28 Camino Justicia, Santa Fe, NM (Santa Fe County Jail)

Arrested: Joseph Murillo, 40YOM, Santa Fe, NM

On the above date, deputies were dispatched to the county jail in reference to a male who had an active arrest warrant. The above subject's ID was verified and it was determined that the subject did have a warrant for his arrest. Subject was re-booked for the warrant (original charges-Shoplifting)

Case #2022007029 Driving while license revoked, Vehicle to be registered

Assigned Deputy : A. Pool

Commander: Cpl. B. Lattin

Location: Buffalo Thunder (Pojoaque) 

Suspect: Lorenzo Castillo, 49 yoa male, Santa Fe

Deputies were dispatched to the above location in reference to an assisting other agency. Pojoaque PD stopped the above vehicle for a cancelled registration. The driver was found to have a revoked driver's license due to a previous DUI. The driver was arrested and booked into ADC

2022007019/Burglary of a motor vehicle

Deputy Assigned: J. Lujan

Commander Entering: Cpl. G. Nieto

Location: Fire Place Santa Fe, NM 

Deputies were dispatched to the location in reference to a burglary of a motor vehicle in progress. Once on scene and through investigation, it was learned unknown suspect(s) made their way into the victim’s vehicle by breaking the driver window. Once inside, the suspect(s) broke the ignition switch of the vehicle in attempt to start the vehicle. The vehicle was in accessory mode as the dash lights were illuminated indicating the ignition was partially engaged. The suspects left the area when Deputies arrived. This incident remains under investigation.