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Deputy Assigned: J. War
Location: 100 Block of Kwahe Ridge Road
Taken: 2 X Dewalt Miter Saws, 1 Dewalt 20 Gal Compressor, 1 Craftsman Comp w/ hose. ($2510.00)
Deputy dispatched to location in reference to a burglary. Once on scene and through investigation it was learned unknown suspect(s) made their way onto the property and stole aforementioned items. The miter saws and compressor were locked with a cable that was cut. Items were kept in unfinished garage. Multiple projects are ongoing at development. Theft occurred between Sunday, Nov. 06, 22 at 3:30 pm and Wednesday, Nov. 09, 2022 at 9:30 am
Case #2022006561 Battery upon a peace officer, Battery against a household member
Assigned Deputy : K. Whyte
Commander: Cpl. B. Lattin
Location: La Pradera (Santa Fe)
Suspect: Seth Temple 21 yoa Male, Santa Fe
Deputies responded to a domestic disturbance, upon affecting an arrest the suspect became combative damaging a patrol vehicle and incurring more charges.
Case #2022006556 Possession of a stolen vehicle
Assigned Deputy : M. Rodriguez
Commander: Cpl. B. Lattin
Location: Buffalo Thunder (Santa Fe)
Suspect: Andres Garcia 42 yoa Male, Santa Fe
Deputies dispatched to assist Pojoaque Tribal Police who were out with a stolen vehicle. Vehicle confirmed stolen out of Santa Fe PD. Driver arrested and booked into SFCADC.
Case #2022006515 Criminal Trespass
Assigned Deputy : A. Naranjo
Commander: Cpl. B. Lattin
Location: Buffalo Thunder (Santa Fe)
Suspect: Mario Zubia-Talavera 24 yoa Male, Santa Fe
Deputies dispatched to assistPojoaque Tribal Police on a traffic stop. Subject in the vehicle had previously been trespassed from Pojoaque Tribal lands. Subject arrested and booked into SFCADC.
Case #2022006512 DWI, Revoked license, Speeding
Assigned Deputy : M. Olivas
Commander: Cpl. B. Lattin
Location: 170 US 84/285 (Tesuque)
Suspect: Santiago Vasquez, 34 yoa Male, Espanola
Deputies dispatched to assist Tesuque Tribal Police on a traffic stop with a non-native driver. Driver showed signs of impairment. Driver arrested and booked into SFCADC.
2022006509 / DUI/ 11-6-2022
Assigned Deputy : Sgt. R. Garcia
Commander: M . Matison
Location: Interstate 25 mile post 287
Suspect: Fabian Daniel Maes (23)
On the above date the suspect was called in as a reckless driver. The suspect completed standardized field sobriety tests and signs of impairment were observed. The diver was arrested and read the implied consent advisory to which he agreed to chemical testing. The suspect later tested above the legal limit and was booked into the jail accordingly.
2022006509 / DUI/ 11-5-2022
Assigned Deputy : Sgt. R. Garcia
Commander: M . Matison
Location: Interstate 25 mile post 287
Suspect: Fabian Daniel Maes (23)
On the above date the suspect was called in as a reckless driver. The suspect completed standardized field sobriety tests and signs of impairment were observed. The diver was arrested and read the implied consent advisory to which he agreed to chemical testing. The suspect later tested above the legal limit and was booked into the jail accordingly.
Case #2022006510 Battery against a household member
Assigned Deputy: K. Whyte
Commander: Cpl. B. Lattin
Location Valle Vista
Suspect: Roberto Quinones-Robles, 44 yoa Male, Santa Fe
The suspect jumped in front of victims vehicle and demanded a ride. During incident Suspect pushed victim. Warrant isued for suspect's arrest.
2022006503/ Burglary /11/6/2022
Assigned Deputy: Dep. R. Lopez
Commander: M. Matison
Location: 152 Camino De Quintana
Suspect: Outstanding
On the above date unknown suspected broke into the residence causing damage to the structure. The suspect is outstanding .
On 11-6-2022, in the early morning hours; Deputy L. Martinez responded to a deceased female; in which the medics had responded to a call for service. The female was deceased upon medic's arrival and life-saving procedures were unsuccessful. There were no signs of foul play. OMI responded and took over the investigation.