Case #2022006389 Aggravated Battery X4, Criminal Damage
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Deputy Assigned: K. Whyte
Commander Entering: Cpl. B. Lattin
Location: Pueblo Garcia, Santa Fe, NM
Victim: Minor children, Santa Fe
Arrested: Angela Balzarini, 58 yoa Female, Santa Fe
Deputies dispatched reference a female hitting an ATV with a hatchet. Female also threatened 4 minor children with the hatched. Suspect booked into the SFCADC.
2022006372 / Warrant Service / 10-31-22
Assigned: Agent Vigil
Entering: Sgt. Zook
Location: Camino Jusitica (SFCADC)
Suspect: Arturo Guerrero / 32yom
Suspect was booked on an active warrant.
2022006268 / Warrant Service / 10-26-22
Assigned: Agent Segura
Entering: Sgt. Zook
Location: Camino Jusitica (SFCADC)
Suspect: Scott Ranson / 30yom
Suspect was booked on an active warrant.
2022006290 / Warrant Service / 10/27/22
Assigned: Agent Segura
Entering: Sgt. Zook
Location: Camino Jusitica (SFCADC)
Suspect: Simon Sena / 33yom
Suspect was booked on an active warrant.
Case #2022006368 Aggravated Battery
Deputy Assigned: N. Naranjo
Commander Entering: Cpl. B. Lattin
Location: Santa Fe County Adult Detention Center, Santa Fe, NM
Victim: 24 yoa Female, Santa Fe
Arrested: Crystalrain Reynolds, 21 yoa Female, Santa Fe
Deputies dispatched to SFCADC in reference to a battery between two inmates. Deputies reviewed video surveillance and observed Suspect punching and choking the victim. Suspect rebooked into the SFCADC.
Case #2022006366 Driving while license revoked, Speeding
Deputy Assigned: A. Pool
Commander Entering: Cpl. B. Lattin
Location: NM 599 Mile Marker 9, Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Sergio Vasquez-Ramos, 32 yoa Male, Santa Fe
Deputies conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for speeding. The driver was found to have a revoked license due to a previous DWI. Driver was arrested and booked into the SFCADC.
Case #2022006370 Aggravated DWI
Deputy Assigned: M. Olivas
Commander Entering: Cpl. B. Lattin
Location: Buffalo Thunder Resort/Casino, Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Selvin Lima Alarcon, 37 yoa Male, Santa Fe
Deputies responded to Buffalo Thunder to assist Pojoaque Tribal Police on a traffic stop. Deputies contacted the suspect and observed signs of impairment. Suspect refused to submit to Standardized Field Sobriety Tests. The suspect was then arrested. Suspect submitted to a breath test the results were at or above twice the legal limit. Suspect was booked into the SFCADC.
Case #2022006359 Receiving/transferring Stolen vehicle, Concealing ID
Deputy Assigned: R. Lopez
Commander Entering: Sgt. R. Garcia
Location: Lopez Ln/Agua Fria St.
Arrested: Brittany Benavidez, 22 yoa Female, Santa Fe
On the above date, deputies responded to area for a reckless driver. Deputies located a vehicle that was reported stolen out of the Santa Fe Police Department. Driver of vehicle attempted to conceal her identity. Driver arrested and booked into the SFCADC.
Case #2022006358 Burglary/Larceny
Deputy Assigned: M. Hernandez
Commander Entering: R. Garcia
Location: Arroyo Hondo, Santa Fe, NM
Victim: 66 yoa Female, Santa Fe
Deputies arrested to location reference to a burglary. Unknown subject(s) entered closed barn and took approximately $700 worth of equestrian equipment.
Case #2022006356 Warrant Service
Deputy Assigned: M. Olivas
Commander Entering: B. Lattin
Location: Valle Vista, Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Ellena Lopez, 23 yoa Female, Santa Fe
On the above date, deputies conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle. The female was found to have multiple warrants. Female arrested and booked into the SFCADC.