Case #2022006355 Warrant Service

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Deputy Assigned: M. Olivas

Commander Entering: B. Lattin

Location: Valle Vista, Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Ellena Lopez, 23 yoa Female, Santa Fe

On the above date, deputies conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle. The female was found to have multiple warrants. Female arrested and booked into the SFCADC.

Case #2022006354 Warrant Service

Deputy Assigned: M. Olivas

Commander Entering: B. Lattin

Location: Valle Vista, Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Ellena Lopez, 23 yoa Female, Santa Fe

On the above date, deputies conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle. The female was found to have multiple warrants. Female arrested and booked into the SFCADC.

Case #2022006353 Warrant Service

Deputy Assigned: M. Olivas

Commander Entering: B. Lattin

Location: Valle Vista, Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Ellena Lopez, 23 yoa Female, Santa Fe

On the above date, deputies conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle. The female was found to have multiple warrants. Female arrested and booked into the SFCADC. 

Case #2022006345 Aggravated battery against a household member

Deputy Assigned: R. Lopez

Commander Entering: B. Lattin

Location: Avenida De La Scala

Arrested: Alexander Poe, 30 YOM, Santa Fe

On the above date, deputies were dispatched to a domestic disturbance. Upon arrival it was learned the suspect strangled the victim. Victim had visible injuries. Suspect arrested and booked into the SFCADC

2022006325/Warrant Service/10-28-22

Deputy Assigned: J. War

Commander Entering: Cpl. Christopher Valencia

Location: US 84/285 Mile Marker 168 Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Jose Zambrano-Ramirez, 23 YOM, Santa Fe

On the above date, deputies were dispatched to the above location in reference to a call for service. Upon arrival contact was made with the above subject. A NCIC check of the subject was conducted and it was learned the subject had an active arrest warrant. The subject was placed into custody, transported to the jail and booked accordingly without incident. 

2022006282/Warrant Service/10-27-22

Deputy Assigned: R. Weber

Commander Entering: Cpl. Christopher Valencia

Location: 28 Camino Justicia, Santa Fe, NM (Santa Fe County Jail)

Arrested: Lucas Edwards, 31 YOM, Pecos, NM

On the above date, deputies were dispatched to the county jail in reference to a male who had an active arrest warrant. The above subject's ID was verified and it was determined that the subject did have a warrant for his arrest. Subject was re-booked for the warrant (original charges-Criminal Trespass)

2022006283/Warrant Service/10-27-22

Deputy Assigned: R. Weber

Commander Entering: Cpl. Christopher Valencia

Location: 28 Camino Justicia, Santa Fe, NM (Santa Fe County Jail)

Arrested: Alfred Valdez, 35 YOM, Santa Fe

On the above date, deputies were dispatched to the county jail in reference to a male who had an active arrest warrant. The above subject's ID was verified and it was determined that the subject did have a warrant for his arrest. Subject was re-booked for the warrant (original charges-Criminal damage to property)

Case#2022006280/ Warrant Service/10-27-22


ENTERING COMMANDER: Cpl. Christopher Valencia

LOCATION: 19 W. Prince Road, Santa Fe, NM 

ARRESTEE: Raymond Gonzales, 30 YOM, Santa Fe

CHARGES: Probation Violation

Deputies made contact with the above subject in reference to a DOC Arrest Order at the above residence. Subject was located and placed into custody. Subject was transported and booked accordingly without incident. 

2022006275/Burglary/larceny/criminal damage to property

Deputy Assigned: R. Blea

Commander Entering: Cpl. G. Nieto

Location: 38 Evergreen Ln. (El Rancho)

Stolen: Two tool bags, Misc. hand tools and personal documents

On Wednesday, October 26, 2022 deputies were dispatched to the above location in reference to a burglary of a vehicle. During the investigation it was learned unknown suspect(s) forced entry into the vehicle. Once inside the suspect(s) removed items from inside. The scene was processed. This case is currently active. 

2022006271/Agg. DWI/ License Revoked/Open container/10/26/22

Deputy Assigned: L. Martinez

Commander: G. Nieto

Suspect: Joselynn Vidot

Location: Cities of Gold Rd.(Pojoaque)

Suspect was stopped and exhibited signs of impairment. The suspect agreed to both Standardized Field Sobriety Tests and chemical testing. The suspect was booked without incident.