Case 2024006872,6874/ Driving while license revoked, Warrant service/ 12-27-2024

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Assigned: Deputy K. Blakely 

Entering: Cpl. Talamante

Location: Calle Atajo/ Airport Rd. Santa Fe, NM 

Arrested: Gregory White 53 YOM

Deputies made contact with the subject during a traffic stop. The subject who was driving the vehicle had a confirmed revoked driver's license and an active arrest warrant for failure to appear on original charges of driving while license revoked. The subject was arrested for the warrant and new charges of driving while his license was revoked and booked into Santa Fe ADC. 

2024006873/Warrant service/ 12-27-24

Assigned: Deputy R. Blea 

Entering: Cpl. Talamante

Location: Calle Atajo/ Airport Rd, Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Priscilla Lopez 42 YOF

Deputies made contact with the subject during a traffic stop. The subject had an active arrest warrant for failure to pay fines out of Santa Fe Magistrate Court on original charges of no proof of insurance. The subject was arrested and booked into Santa Fe ADC without incident. 

Case#2024006869/Driving while license revoked (122G) and No Insurance/12-26-24

Assigned: A Gallardo

Entering: Sgt. C Valencia

Location: Anand Nivas Way, Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Mikalo Risberg, 26YOM, Santa Fe, NM

Deputies conducted a traffic stop at the above location. During the stop, it was discovered that the driver's license had been revoked due to a past DWI. The driver was not able to provide proof of insurance. The driver was placed under arrest, transported, and booked accordingly without incident.

2024006863/ Bench Warrant? 12 /26/2024

Deputy Assigned: DIII D. Chavez

Commander : Cpl S. Coles

Location: District Court (Santa Fe)

Subject: Jose A. Leyba 34 YOM.

Narrative: Subject arrived a District Court for a scheduled visit. Upon arrival subject was found to have an active warrant out of District Court, which was signed by Judge Ellington. Subject was transported to the Santa Fe County Adult Detetnion center (ADC) where he was charged and booked accordingly without any incident.

Case #2024006856 / Driving while license revoked/ 12/26/24

Assigned- Deputy C. Cullison

Entering- Corporal D. Moore

Location- NM 14/ Forrest Ln

Arrested- Jahasiel Hernandez (24 year old male/ Santa Fe)

A deputy conducted a traffic stop for expired registration. Upon contact with the driver it was learned that the driver had a revoked driver's license due to a previous DWI. The driver was arrested and booked without incident.

Case 2024006854,6855/ Warrant service/12-26-2024

Assigned: Deputy M. Ward

Entering: Cpl. Talamante

Location: 1 Old Buckman Rd

Arrested: Shawn Alarid 28 YOM

Deputies made contact with the subject during a welfare check. The subject had two active arrest warrants for failure to pay fines on original charges of possession of a controlled substance and shoplifting. The subject was arrested and booked into Santa Fe ADC without incident. 

Case 2024006852/ Battery against a household member/ 12-26-24

Assigned: Deputy B. Wilson 

Entering: Cpl. Talamante

Location: Gallina Peak, Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Melissa Shelley 40 YOF

Deputies responded to the location regarding a domestic disturbance. During the investigation deputies learned the subject had battered her significant other. The subject was arrested and booked into Santa Fe ADC without incident. 

Case #2024006850 / Unattended Death/ 12/25/24

Assigned- Deputy C. Podolak

Entering- Corporal D. Moore

Location- Roy Crawford Ln (Santa Fe)

Deceased- 48 year old male (Santa Fe)

Deputies and paramedics were dispatched to a residence in reference to an unresponsive male. Upon arrival, a deceased male was located. Nothing suspicious was observed, and OMI was called to the scene to conduct an investigation.

Case 2024006848/ Agg DUI/ 12-25-2024

Assigned: R. Blea

Entering: Cpl. Talamante

Location: NM 599/ MP 12

Arrested: Randall Hess 23 YOM

Deputies conducted a welfare check on a male standing in the middle of the road and a vehicle parked on the shoulder with its hazard lights on. Upon contact with the subject, he said he was on his way to Taos and had run out of gas. Deputies observed signs of impairment and conducted the SFSTs. The subject showed further signs of impairment and was arrested. The subject refused to submit to a breath test and was booked into Santa Fe ADC.  

Case#2024006844/Aggravated DWI/12-24-24

Assigned: A Gallardo

Entering: Sgt. C Valencia

Location: NM 502 MM12, Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Billy Tarrazas, 63YOM, Santa Fe, NM

Deputies were dispatched to the above location in reference to a motor vehicle crash. Upon arrival, deputies observed signs of impairment with the driver of the crashed vehicle. The driver did submit to chemical testing (.19 and .18 BAC). The subject was arrested, transported, and booked accordingly without incident.