2022003544/Driving while license revoked/6-20-2022

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Assigned Deputy: J. Jaquez

Commander: Cpl. R. Girmendonk

Location: NM106/NM76

Arrested: Robert Castaneda

On above date, a traffic stop was conducted on NM 106/76. Driver of the vehicle was identified to be driving while license revoked (122G). Driver was arrested and booked.


2022003537/Death investigation/6.20.22

Deputy Assigned: Chris Podolak

Commander Entering: Sgt Jared Mosher

Location 100 block Mejor Lado Santa Fe NM

Deceased: 92 Year old female

Deputies were dispatched to a 92 year old female who was not conscious and not breathing. There were no indications of foul play.

2022003528/ Unlawful taking of motor vehicle/ 6/20/22

Assigned Deputy: K. Whyte

Commander: M. Matison

Location: 18 Valle Vista

Suspect: unknown

On the above date an unknown suspect took the victims vehicle from home the driveway.

Vehicle info: 2008 Ford F-350 Crewcab  NM plate RAM078

2022003526, DWI/ Driving while revoked, 6/19/22

Deputy assigned: J. Dillinger

Commander Enter: Sgt. R. Garcia

Suspect/ Arrested: E. Cresenciano age 49

Location: NM State 502 and SF County 101E

A traffic stop was conducted on above listed driver/suspect. Driver was operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. He was arrested and agreed to provide a breath sample. He had a breath alcohol content over the legal limit of .08. A driver license check was conducted which relieved he had a revoked driver license with an arrest clause attached. He was transported and booked into the SFC ADC.  

2022003512, 2022003513/ Driving while license is revoked, Warrant 6/18/22

Deputy Assigned: J. Dillinger

Commander Entering: Sgt. R. Garcia

Suspect/ Arrest: A. Romano age 51

Location: Boneyard Road

A traffic stop was conducted on above listed driver/suspect. Driver was operating a motor vehicle with a revoked driver’s license with the arrest clause attached. Upon conducting a license check through NCIC the driver had an arrest warrant out of the Santa Fe County Magistrate Court (2022003573). He was arrested and booked into the Santa Fe County ADC without further incident.  


2022003532, 2022003523/Warrant Arrest/6.19.22

Deputy Assigned: Chris Podolak

Commander Entering: Sgt Jared Mosher

location 28 Camino Justicia Santa Fe NM

Suspect: Michelle Narvaiz  38 Santa Fe NM

Female was incarcerated at the county jail and was served two active warrants. 

2022003521/Warrant Arrest/6.19.22

Deputy Assigned: Chris Podolak

Commander Entering: Sgt Jared Mosher

location 7 Avenida Eldorado Santa Fe NM

Suspect: Alexander Corvision 31 Santa Fe NM

Deputies made contact with the suspect who had an active warrant for his arrest. He was booked

2022003517/DWI/ 6/18/22

Assigned Deputy: E. Madrid

Commander: M. Matison

Location: 125 North Paseo De Angel

Suspect: Rigoberto Gutierrez


The suspect crashed his ATV and was later found to be impaired. The suspect was transported to hospital and a summons was issued due to injuries sustained from the crash.

2022003518/ Breaking and entering/ 6/18/22

Assigned Deputy: C. Lattin

Commander: M. Matison

Location: Area of Calle Debra

Suspect: Yvette Vida Gould

The suspect entered a fenced residential property and gained entry into a vehicle on the property. The homeowners called 911 and suspect was later arrested without incident.

2022003494 / DWI / 6-17-22

Deputy Assigned: O. Lopez

Commander Entering: Cpl. J. Talache

Location: Placita Rd.

Suspect: 24 YO Male Chimayo, NM

Deputies were dispatched tot he above location in reference to a male subject passed out behind the wheel. Upon deputies arrival contact was made with the driver and a DWI investigation was started. The male was taken into custody and booked.