2022003380/ DWI/ 6/11/22

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Assigned Deputy: R. Blea

Commander: M. Matison

Suspect: Joaquin Fernando Rios Chavez (18)

The suspect was found sleeping in his vehicle in the intersection of NM-599 and Airport Road. The suspect slept through at least on cycle of traffic lights. The driver admitted to consuming at least on alcoholic beverage and was later found to be impaired. The suspect agreed to chemical testing and tested above the legal limit. The suspect was booked without incident.


2022003377/ Larceny, Criminal Damage/ 6/10/2022

Deputy Assigned: J. Soriano

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Girmendonk

Location: 600 Block of NM503, Santa Fe, NM

Suspect: Unknown

Contact was made with victim advising on Monday, June 6, 2022, from 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM her catalytic converter was stolen from her pickup truck at the Nambe Badlands Trail Head. There is no suspect information at this time.

2022003378/Battery agains a HHM/6/10/2022

Deputy Assigned: J. Avitia

Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Girmendonk

Location: Paseo Luna Blanca, Santa Fe, NM

Arrested: Juan P. Vargas (53 YOM)

On the above date, Depuites responded to the above address in reference to a domestic disturbance. Victim reported suspect attempted to pull her purse away from her, causing scratches on her right hand. Victim also sustained a red mark on the left side of her neck. Injuries were consistent with victim's version of events. Suspect was transported to the SFCADF for the above charge.

2022003364 / Warrant Service / 6-10-22

Deputy Assigned: Agent Vigil

Entering: Sgt Zook

Location: 2000 blk of Ash St

Suspect: Juan Esquivel / 38yom / Santa Fe, NM

Suspect was arrested on a valid warrant. Booked accordingly. 

2022003361 / Warrant service / 6-10-22

Deputy Assigned: Agent Segura

Entering: Sgt Zook

Location: 7000 blk of Arroyo Central

Suspect: Jimmy Archuleta / 31yom / Santa Fe, NM

Suspect was arrested on a valid warrant. Booked accordingly. 

2022003360 / Warrant Service / 6-10-22

Deputy Assigned: Agent Segura

Entering: Sgt Zook

Location: 7000 blk of Arroyo Central

Suspect: Tonya Rasmusson / 27yof / Santa Fe, NM

Suspect was arrested on a valid warrant. Booked accordingly. 

2022003332 / Warrant Service / 6-10-22

Deputy Assigned: Agent Segura

Entering: Sgt Zook

Location: 1000 blk of Camino Vista Aurora

Suspect: Ronnie Montano / 27yom / Santa Fe, NM

Suspect was arrested on a valid warrant. Booked accordingly. 

2022003323 / Warrant Service / 6-10-22

Deputy Assigned: Agent Segura

Entering: Sgt Zook

Location: 100 blk of Camino San Jose

Suspect: Alisa Van Zelst / 28yof / Santa Fe, NM

Suspect was arrested on a valid warrant. Booked accordingly. 

2022003324 / Warrant Service / 6-8-22

Deputy Assigned: Agent Vigil

Entering: Sgt Zook

Location: 100 blk of Camino San Jose

Suspect: Danny Romero / 40yom / Santa Fe, NM

Suspect was arrested on a valid warrant. Booked accordingly. 

2022003329 / Warrant Service / 6-8-22

Deputy Assigned: Det. Sisemore

Entering: Sgt Zook

Location: 100 blk of Camino San Jose

Suspect: Antonio Loya / 29yom / Santa Fe, NM

Suspect was arrested on a valid warrant. Booked accordingly.