The Santa Fe County Fire Prevention Division is responsible for reviewing all new developments within Santa Fe County to verify compliance with the Santa Fe County Fire Code. New development includes commercial development, driveway & roadway development, business license permits, residential lot development (single family homes, mobile homes, accessory structures, etc...) property transfers, lot line adjustments, and lot splits among other things.
Inspectors review projects for emergency access requirements, fire protection water supply needs, fire protection systems, premises identification, and compliance with the Santa Fe County Fire Code.
All projects should be submitted through the Santa Fe County Land Use Division.
Plans should show access and building details such as: emergency access road/s and driveway dimensions, turn around locations including dimensions, and the footprints of all buildings on the specific lot.
Pre submission development plan meetings with the Fire Prevention Division, regarding Santa Fe County Fire Code requirements, are highly recommended prior to applying for a permit. To schedule a meeting contact the Fire Prevention Division at 505-995-6523.