Applicants should determine the zoning for their property using the County’s Interactive Zoning Map and review the Use Table in in Appendix B of the Sustainable Land Development Code (SLDC) to ensure that the proposed development is consistent with the allowed uses.
According to Table 4-1 of the SLDC, a pre-application meeting with the County is required before submittal of all non-residential and multi-family permit applications.
SLDC Section 4.4.3 reads as follows: “Applicants required to conduct a pre-application meeting with the Technical Advisory Committee shall do so prior to filing an application. During the meeting, the applicant will discuss the application in general but in enough detail so that a reasonable assessment can be made of its compliance with the SLDC. The meeting should include a discussion of requirements of the SLDC that are applicable to the application, the procedure to be followed, notice to be provided, schedule for review and hearing, the studies, reports and assessments to be undertaken, and other relevant subjects. Technical requirements may also be discussed. After the meeting, County staff will provide the applicant with a written summary of the relevant issues to be covered by the applicant in its submittal materials.”
The Santa Fe County Growth Management Department implements a formalized pre-application meeting process in order to better serve our customers. Pre-application meetings of the Technical Advisory Committee are conducted on the first Thursday of each month, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Applicants whose projects are required by Code to conduct a pre-application meeting prior to submittal, should contact our office at 505-986-6225, to schedule a pre-application meeting. These requests should be placed a minimum of one week in advance. Developments that are not required by Code to conduct a pre-application meeting may also request a meeting to aid in the submittal and review process.
The Technical Advisory Committee is made up of members of County staff from numerous departments, including Public Works, Fire, Water and Wastewater, Affordable Housing, Open Space and Trails, Planning and Development Services. These staff members will be able to able to bring their perspectives to ask and address development-related questions that are important to your proposed development.