On April 30, 2024, the Board of Commissioners of Santa Fe County approved Resolution No. 2024-062, which adopted the County’s Home Rehabilitation and Energy Efficiency (“HREE”) Program Regulations pdf #1. The HREE Program provides one-time grants up to $50,000 for qualified household for designated home rehabilitation projects and energy efficiency upgrades explicitly identified in the regulations.
In order to qualify for HREE assistance, as household must:
- Have an annual household income at or below 100% of the area median income for Santa Fe County; (See income limitations)
- Provide proof of ownership of the home for which they are applying for HREE assistance;
- Provide proof of residency that they are currently and
- Provide verification that the home is located in the unincorporated areas of Santa Fe County.
The grant funds can be used for various home improvements related to the building envelope of a qualified home, including new roofs, stucco, and windows. Additionally, the HREE Program covers hazard mitigation projects, such as mold, lead and asbestos remediation, as well as testing and remediation of groundwater contaminants for qualifying households with domestic wells.
The County is currently accepting for the first Phase of the HREE program, which includes:
- Projects related to the buildings envelope (i.e. roofs, stucco, windows and doors),
- Mold, asbestos and lead based paint remediation, and
- Domestic well testing and remediation.
The County anticipates accepting application for energy efficiency upgrades by the end of 2024.
A program flyer containing additional program details can be found here.
Interested parties can apply to the HREE Program online at the following link: https://portal.neighborlysoftware.com/santafecountynm/Participant
The Affordability Agreement
- Requires the homeowner to maintain the qualified home as their primary residence for the entirety of the affordability period as specified in the resolution (see below);
- $1.00-$14,999.99: Affordability period minimum of five (5) years;
- $15,000.00-$39,999.99: Affordability period minimum of ten (10) years;
- $40,000.00-$50,000: Affordability period minimum of fifteen (15) years.
- If the property is sold or transferred to another party prior to expiration of the affordability period, the County must be notified and will determine if the buyer or transferee meets the income qualifications of the program regulations.
The Affordable Mortgage and Note
- Grants awarded under the HREE program will be secured by an Affordable Mortgage and Note on the qualified home for which the grant was issued;
- The terms shall coincide with the affordability periods outlined above;
- The Affordability Mortgage and Note will be recorded with the Santa Fe County Clerk.
If you have questions about the Affordability Agreement, Affordability Period, or Affordable Mortgage and Note at any point during your application process, please contact the Santa Fe County Affordable Housing Administrator at (505) 986-6257 or smeadows@santafecountynm.gov.