The Family Self-Sufficiency (“FSS”) Program
The Family Self-Sufficiency (“FSS”) Program is a contractual program that is available to existing Public Housing residents, VASH, Mainstream and Housing Choice Voucher participants. The program is designed to help families become self-sufficient and off of welfare assistance within a five-year period. The Housing Authority provides the housing assistance and works closely with agencies in the community that provide needed resources to participating families. The family enters into a five-year Contract of Participation with the Housing Authority and sets specific goals to be achieved over the term of the Contract. As part of the Contract, the Housing Authority opens an escrow account for each participating family and any time there is an increase to the family’s earned income during the term of the Contract, money is deposited into the family’s escrow account. Upon successful completion of the Program, the family receives the balance in their escrow account.
The Housing Authority also provides monthly training to these families in the areas of healthcare, parenting, financial management, budgeting, stress management, employment preparedness and training, homeownership, and life-skills training.
Families currently receiving assistance from the Housing Authority that are interested in participating in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program must complete a program application. There is no waiting list for this program.
Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency Program ("ROSS")
The Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (“ROSS”) Program is designed to assess the needs of public housing residents and coordinate available resources in the community to meet those needs. The ROSS Program works to promote the development of local strategies to coordinate the use of assistance under the Housing Authority’s Public Housing Program. A primary function of the ROSS Program is to connect participating residents with public and private resources, including supportive services and various resident empowerment activities. The services provided to ROSS participants should enable participating families to increase earned income, reduce or eliminate the need for welfare assistance and make progress towards achieving economic self-sufficiency. In the case of elderly or disabled residents, the services provided by the ROSS Program should help improve living conditions, allowing residents to age-in-place.