News and Articles


Santa Fe County Offices Will be Closed on Monday, October 12

Santa Fe County offices will be closed on Monday, October 12 in observance of Columbus Day.  Offices will resume regular business hours on Tuesday, October 13, 2015.Santa Fe County solid waste


October is Fire Prevention Month -  “Hear the Beep Where You Sleep”

 “Hear the Beep Where You Sleep”October is Fire Prevention Month and this year’s theme is “Hear the Beep Where You Sleep” promoting smoke detectors in every


September 29, 2015 BCC Summary

September 29, 2015 BCC SummaryBelow is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC).  Four of the five Commissioners were present (Commissioner Chavez was


County Manager’s Monthly Newsletter – September 2015

Click on front page image to view the newsletter or visit  Read about the the County Manager's Committ to be FIt Challenge, The Pojoaque Valley


Santa Fe County Needs Community Members for Multiple Community Center Advisory Committees

Santa Fe County is currently looking for residents to sit on the following Community Center Advisory Committees: The Benny J. Chavez (Chimayo),  Cundiyo, El Rancho, La Cienega, Nambe, Nancy


Santa Fe County is Seeking Citizens to Serve on the Santa Fe County DWI Planning Council (DWIPC)

Santa Fe County is seeking community members with a background in law enforcement, emergency services, media, or courts/judicial to serve on the DWI Planning Council. Members are volunteers appointed


The Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency will host two Amnesty Days (Saturday 9/26 and Sunday 9/27) 

TRASH AMNESTY DAY AT THE BUCKMAN ROAD RECYCLING AND TRANSFER STATION THIS WEEKEND!In support of the Toss No Mas cleanup, sponsored locally by Keep Santa Fe Beautiful, the Santa Fe Solid Waste


Prescription Drug Take Back Event in Santa Fe County on Saturday, April 26

Safely dispose of unwanted, expired and unused medication on Saturday, September 26 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at various locations around the County (see four locations below). Clean out the


Santa Fe County Salutes Women Veterans During Board Meeting

The Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC) will salute women veterans on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 2 p.m. in the County Commission Chambers, 102 Grant Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87501.At each


Grand Opening Celebration - Pojoaque Valley Recreation Complex on 9/27

Please Join Us!!Santa Fe County Invites you to the Grand Opening Celebration of thePojoaque Valley Recreation Complex, 62 County Road 84, Santa Fe NM 87506Sunday, September 27, 2015