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January 10, 2012 BCC Meeting Summary

January 10, 2012 BCC Meeting Summary

Santa Fe, NM – January 12, 2012 – Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC). All five of the Commissioners were present.

The Commission approved the consent calendar.

The minutes from the November 29, 2011 Board of County Commissioners meeting were approved.

Matters from the Commission:

•A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish a task force in conjunction with Pojoaque Pueblo and the Pojoaque Public Schools to cooperate on and seek possible funding for community recreational fields was approved.

•Commissioner Mayfield introduced a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding snow removal for school buses on Pueblo of Nambe roads. This item was tabled for future consideration.

•A Resolution was passed urging the State Legislature to amend section 7-38-34 NMSA 1978 to properly reflect the imposition of the property tax rate set by the NM Department of Finance and Administration and not by the County Commission.

•A Resolution was passed (4-1 with Commissioner Anaya voting against) urging the State Legislature to Strengthen NM drivers license laws regardless of immigration status.


The following committee and board appointments for the upcoming year were made:

Buckman Direct Diversion: Commissioners Holian and Stefanics; alternate: Commissioner Mayfield

Extraterritorial Land Use Authority: Commissioners Anaya, Holian, Mayfield, Stefanics; alternate: Commissioner Vigil

Metropolitan Planning Organization : Commissioner Mayfield

Economic Development: Commissioner Mayfield; alternate: Commissioner Vigil

North Central Regional Transit District: Commissioner Holian; alternate: Commissioner Mayfield

Regional Coalition of LANL Communities: Commissioner Mayfield

Regional Planning Authority: Commissioners Holian, Mayfield, Stefanics Vigil; alternate: Commissioner Anaya

Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Authority: Commissioners Holian, Vigil, Mayfield; alternate Commissioner Anaya

Investment Committee: Commissioner Stefanics; alternate: Commissioner Holian

National Advisory Committee for National Forest Land Management Plan (pending application):Commissioner Holian

All five Commissioners serve on the Hospital and Health Care Board (Indigent Board), Housing Authority, and the Board of Finance.

Growth Management:

Authorization to publish title and general summary was granted for the following:

An Ordinance changing the affordable housing ordinance. Highlighted items include: to lessen the major subdivision requirement from 30 percent to 15 percent and providing more alternatives for compliance. This item is available on the Santa Fe County website www.santafecountynm.govunder Hot Topics.


The audited comprehensive financial report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011 was presented and is available on the County website at

Public Works Department:

Authorization to publish title and general summary was granted for the following:

An Ordinance authorizing the execution and delivery of a water project fund loan/grant agreement between the New Mexican Water Trust Board, The New Mexico Finance Authority and Santa Fe County. The loan/grant agreement is for the sole purpose of financing the costs of planning, designing and implementing a Vegetative Management and Bank Stabilization Plan on the Rio Quemado


A waiver of Ordinance 2010-8 was unanimously granted to allow continued use of the state contract to purchase food for the Senior Services Program.


The annual Open Meetings Act Resolution establishing notice for all County meetings, passed unanimously.

Public Hearings:

CDRC Case #V 11-5240, Dale McDonnell Variance – approved

BCC Case #MIS 11-5390, Legal Tender Restaurant Liquor License – approved

CDRC Case #V 11-5320, Mauricio Solis Variance of Family Proper – approved

BCC Case #MIS 09-5071, Santa Fe Opera Master Plan Extension - approved

All approved Ordinances and Resolutions are available on the County website at once they are recorded.

All BCC meetings are broadcast live at To view recorded video of this BCC meeting visit check GOV TV Channel 28 listings. Transcripts of the meeting will be available within 10 working days at once approved.