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Recession Response

The current economic climate has forced Santa Fe County to cut over $700,000 from this year’s budget.  In response to the financial challenge, we are taking a proactive approach to prepare for the worst, while hoping for the best.
We have adopted the following steps:
• Freeze on some in state and out of state travel.
• Decreased Supplies & Contractual Services budgets by 5%.
• Implemented “hiring freeze” for non-essential positions Countywide.
• Implemented strict energy efficient measures.
• Eliminated the ARC Program with Youth Development Program.
• Frozen Merit Pool and Merit Increases.
• Requested immediate reimbursement from all outside agencies.
• Only authorized the purchase of Capital Purchases that are necessary for day-to-day function.
The County Manager has created a 51-member focus group comprised of County staff from every department created to come up with ideas for how to deal with the current economic crisis. Their mission is to preserve current levels of programming and services while continuing to be financially viable.
This group has created the “SAVE (Santa Fe County Accountability Value and Efficiency) Initiative.”  They are working with the County Manager to find innovative ways of saving money and generating new revenue as the County deals with the national economic challenge.
“Challenges test our mettle, our ability to survive – those creative enough to adjust and reinvent themselves in changing times will thrive. I view the current financial challenge as an opportunity to improve how Santa Fe County operates - how to become more efficient and effective. I believe that we will come out of this crisis better equipped for the future, with more innovative ways of serving residents than ever before.” – Roman Abeyta, Santa Fe County Manager

Download the Mid-Year Budget Review Presentation »


Note:Due to the fluid nature of the economic situation, Santa Fe County will be adjusting its actions accordingly (including actions that are not listed here).