News and Articles


Hantavirus Found in County; Prevention Steps Advised

Hantavirus, due to rodent droppings, has been found in and around Santa Fe County.  Here are tips to prevent infection.How Do I Prevent Hantavirus?Eliminate or minimize contact with rodents in


Nambe Community Center Update At Meeting On Sept.  24

Santa Fe County will be hosting a town hall meeting regarding the proposed Nambe Community Center/ Park Project and provide a status report on Thursday, September 24th at 6:00pm at the Nambe


County/City Alcohol Task Force Recommendations

Download County/City Alcohol Task Force


Anyone with asthma is at higher risk for flu-related complications.

Anyone with asthma is at higher risk for flu-related complications. Learn more:


New Times For County Commission Meetings

The administrative meeting of the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (occurring the last Tuesday of each month) will now begin at 11:00 a.m. instead of 10:00 a.m. The change is being made to


Input Sought On County Well Locations For Buckman Project At Public Meetings

The Santa Fe County Water and Wastewater Operations Department will be conducting a series of public meetings to facilitate public input on proposed well locations to serve as a back-up water supply


County/City Alcohol Task Force To Present Recommendations At Public Meeting

A Santa Fe County/City of Santa Fe joint task force created to address alcohol problems in the community will present their recommendations at a public meeting on Thursday, September 17 at 5:30 p.m.


September 11 Special Commission Meeting Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners in today’s Special Meeting.Santa Fe Film Studios:The Commission voted [5-0] to approve the third amendment


Traffic Alert: Upcoming West Alameda Road Closing

A small portion of West Alameda will be closed Monday, September 14 for about 10 days to allow crews to complete the realignment of West Alameda as part of the Siler Road extension. The road will be


Commissioner Montoya Supports Funding For Aamodt Settlement On Capitol Hill

Santa Fe County Commissioner Harry Montoya testified before the House Committee on Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power in support of the Aamodt Litigation Settlement Act (H.R. 3342) on