News and Articles


Santa Fe County and Santa Fe Studios Announce Payment of Land Purchase Price - $2,177,135 Paid Today

Santa Fe County and Santa Fe Studios announce full payment of the loan Santa Fe County extended to the Studios for its land purchase in 2010. The final payment of $2,177,135.01 was delivered by Santa


Santa Fe County Kicks-Off Infrastructure Planning (ICIP) Open House Meetings

Santa Fe County will be hosting several open house meetings to review the County’s proposed 2016 Infrastructure and Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP). These open houses will include reviews of


Santa Fe County Lodgers’ Tax Board Calls for Letters of Interest

The Santa Fe County Lodgers’ Tax Advisory Board is requesting governmental entities and non-profit organizations, including those that engage in income generating activity that is directly


Celebrate National Trails Day on June 3

Celebrate National Trails Day!National Trails Day is a celebration of America’s magnificent trail system, occurring annually in June. Friday, June 3, 2016 from 1:30 p.m. - 3p.m.St.


Pinon Hills Subdivision Road Improvements to Start 6/1

A contractor for the Santa Fe County Public Works Department will begin the preparation for new chip seal road surfaces in the Pinon Hills Subdivision on the following roads:Sloman LaneEast and West


Santa Fe County Closed on Monday, May 30 in Observance of Memorial Day

Santa Fe County is closed on Monday, May 30, 2016 in observance of Memorial Day. Santa Fe County offices will resume regular hours on Tuesday, May 31, 2016.Santa Fe County Solid Waste Collection


$5 Cab Ride Home Memorial Day Weekend (Friday - Monday)

The Santa Fe County DWI Program is offering subsidized Cab Ride Home program Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.  Anyone enjoying a drink out on the town or a kick-off-to-summer party can take


Santa Fe County Needs Community Members for Multiple Community Center Advisory Committees

Santa Fe County is currently looking for residents to sit on the following Community Center Advisory Committees: The Benny J. Chavez (Chimayo),  Cundiyo, El Rancho, La Cienega, Nambe, Nancy


Rancho Viejo Boulevard Road Improvements Underway

The Santa Fe County Public Works, Roads Maintenance Division, has begun asphalt patching on Rancho Viejo Boulevard, in preparation of a pavement preservation treatment to this roadway.    


Update - Aamodt Information Office Hours

Santa Fe County staff regularly hold office hours at the Pojoaque satellite office every Tuesday afternoon from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. to help with questions related to the Aamodt Settlement or the