The Santa Fe County Contracts Section allows users to view all Santa Fe County Contracts. Contracts are organized by Division, Item, Contractor, Purpose, Contract Number, Start Date and Expiration Date and can be sorted by Start Date, Division and Contractor. Users can also use the search feature to search key terms.
Santa Fe County manually loads contracts into the contract section as downloadable PDF documents, so if a contract is not currently located on the Sunshine Section, please contact the Santa Fe County Legal Division at (505) 986-6279. Please note, the database was created in 2009, therefore contracts executed prior to 2009 may not be on the database.
Division: Purchasing
Item: Sole Source Determination - Santa Fe Business Incubator
Contractor: Santa Fe Business Incubator
Purpose: Santa Fe County desires to contract with the Santa Fe Business Incubator (SFBI) to develop a business outreach pilot program for the purposes of establishing a mechanism for local business creation, retention and expansion. For the purposes of this contract, two rural communities shall be selected: one community in the northern portion and one in the southern or south central portion of Santa Fe County. The purpose is to give the County a feedback mechanism about businesses in rural areas as well as provide information regarding business interests and needs. The outcome shall help establish, build and strengthen business networks in rural communities. This is a pilot program that will eventually lead to a program to help all businesses, home-based businesses and entrepreneurs succeed and grow in the County.
Contract Number:
Start Date: 2/28/2025
Division: CLERKS
Item: Sole Source Determination - Annual License and Subscription Redactor and Election Shield Licensing
Contractor: Civera LLC
Purpose: The County Clerk’s Office is requesting the purchase of a specialized software license to provide a cloud-based hosted system that provides a comprehensive integration of all cast ballot images and records that provide transparent and secured reporting of election results.
The scope of service includes comprehensive integration, navigation, filtering, and downloading of all cast ballot images, cast vote records, and hash validation security to ensure data integrity, alongside advanced handwriting detection and Cartesian polygon redaction for privacy protection. The system will also encompass thorough correlation tests across all metadata, dynamic detection of mathematical anomalies, and an interactive dashboard app that provides real-time insights into the integrity and accuracy of election data.
Contract Number:
Start Date: 2/18/2025
Item: Sole Source Determination - Purchase and Indefinite Quantity Sodium Hypochlorite and Citric Acid for the County Water and Wastewater Disinfection
Contractor: PVS DX, Inc.
Purpose: The requirements for chemicals treatment to wastewater treatment is set by the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) through the County’s discharge permit No. DP-234, Quill Wastewater Treatment Facility operated by Santa Fe County Utilities Division. Additional regulatory standards requiring the chemicals for drinking water are set by the Drinking Water Bureau (a section of the NMED) for Public Water Systems under the Statutory Authority: NMSA 1978, Sections 74-1-6, 74-1-8, 74-1-10, 74-1-13 and 74-1-13.1. Specifically, Title 20, Chapter 7, Part 10.
The Public Works Utilities require the purchase of sodium hypochlorite and citric acid to disinfect of both drinking water and wastewater flows into the wastewater treatment facility, to be in compliance with the NMED discharge permit as meeting the regulatory requirements of the Drinking Water Bureau.
The Department performed a good faith and due diligent effort in identifying companies within New Mexico and throughout the country to find both chemicals. Only PVS DX, Inc. was found that can deliver both of the chemicals that are needed.
Contract Number:
Start Date: 2/14/2025
Item: Sole Source Determination - Dolly Parton Imagination Library
Contractor: Growing Up New Mexico
Purpose: The program is to provide books to children ages 0 to 5 in support of early childhood education.
Contract Number: 2025-0142-CSD-TJ
Start Date: 1/31/2025
Item: DOE - Determination - Repairs of a Water Line Break at 2208 Paseo Primero, Hyde Park Estates
Contractor: Sub Surface Contracting, LLC
Purpose: At approximately 10:00AM on Monday December 9, 2024, the Public Works Utilities Supervisor received a call of a possible water line break at 2208 Paseo Primero within the Hyde Park Estates in Santa Fe County. As the County is responsible for the maintenance of the Hyde Park Estates water system, the Supervisor of the Department dispatched a crew to investigate the water line break.
Upon arrival the crew confirmed that there was a major break in the water line at the location and requested the assistance of a licensed plumbing contractor to mobilize to the site for further investigation and repairs. Once approved, the Department was successful in contacting Sub Surface Contracting to mobilize the same day. The Contractor was able to excavate the site and complete the repairs by the end of the day.
Due to the weather and the damage to the asphalt road, the Contractor had to return to the site to make the required repairs to the road.
Contract Number:
Start Date: 1/3/2025
Item: DOE - Determination - Repairs in Correcting the Wastewater Flows at the County Wastewater Treatment Facility
Contractor: Sub Surface Contracting, LLC
Purpose: At approximately 8:00AM on Tuesday December 10, 2024, the Public Works Utilities Supervisor discovered the located at the County Wastewater Treatment Facility was overflowing due to the
collapsed line. The manhole lines provide access to the sewer lines for maintenance and inspection of wastewater flows, as well to clear line of any debris.
Contract Number:
Start Date: 12/24/2024
Item: DOE - Determination - Replace Gas Lines at the District Attorney’s Office
Contractor: LoboTech
Purpose: On Wednesday, October 30, 2024, a gas smell was reported by the District Attorney’s Office located at 327 Sandoval in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The Public Works Department dispatched the Facility Operations Foreman to investigate. The Foreman contact NM Gas Company to assist with locating and identifying the source of the gas smell. The Gas Company identified the leak to be methane from the gas lines from the gas meters to the heating units in the building and immediately “retagged” the gas meters and vacated the building of all staff.
Contract Number:
Start Date: 12/5/2024
Item: DOE - Determination - Main Water Line Break at 22 E. Wildflower Las Campanas Subdivision
Contractor: Sub Surface Contracting, LLC
Purpose: At approximately 3:00 PM, Monday November 25, 2024, the Public Works Utilities Supervisor received a call of a possible main water line break at 22 E. Wildflower in the Las Campanas Subdivision in Santa Fe County. As the County is responsible for the maintenance of the water system in the Las Campanas Subdivision, the Supervisor of the Department dispatched a crew to investigate the water line break.
Contract Number:
Start Date: 12/4/2024
Item: DOE- Determination - Repair Main Water Line Break at 62 W. Las Campanas Sudivision
Contractor: Sub Surface Contracting, LLC
Purpose: On Sunday November 3, 2024 the Public Works Utilities received a call of a possible main water line break at 62 W. Wildflower in the Las Campanas Subdivision in Santa Fe County. As the County is responsible for the maintenance of the water system in the Las Campanas Subdivision, the Supervisor of the Department dispatched a crew to investigate the water line break.
Contract Number:
Start Date: 12/4/2024
Item: Sole Source Determination - Regional Development Corporation for the Business Expansion and Retention Program
Contractor: Regional Development Corporation
Purpose: Provide technical support services and increase the number of Mirco-Grant awards to businesses in underserved and the most rural parts of Santa Fe County.
Contract Number: 2025-0115-CDD
Start Date: 11/21/2024
Division: Public Works
Item: Sole Source Determination - Engineering Services for County Roads 89 and 89C
Contractor: Santa Fe Engineering Consultants
Contract Number:
Start Date: 10/29/2024
Division: HOUSING
Item: DOE - Determination - Sewer Line Break at Boys and Girls Club in Santa Cruz
Contractor: B&D Industries, Inc.
Purpose: On the morning of Friday, September 27, 2024, the County Housing Division was notified of sewage coming out of the ground at the Boys and Girls Club site, located at 155 B Camino de Quintana, in
Santa Cruz New Mexico. The Division Deputy Director contacted the Procurement Manager to request a declaration of emergency and request authorization to contact B&D Industries to mobilize
to the site to investigate and proceed with repairs.
Contract Number:
Start Date: 10/17/2024
Item: Environmental and Resource Assessment for County-Maintained Roads on Pueblo Lands
Contractor: BARR Engineering
Contract Number:
Start Date: 10/11/2024
Division: Public Works
Item: Canoncito-Eldorado Water Transmission Line Sole Source
Contractor: MolzenCorbin
Purpose: The subject Design Services Agreement No. 2019-0007-PW/KE was awarded to MolzenCorbin in
July 2019 to provide design services for three Project Phases of the Canoncito-Eldorado Water
Transmission Line Project. The agreement involved eight (8) Amendments increasing
compensation payable to the Contractor and extending the term of the agreement to July 31, 2023.
July 31, 2023 extended to maximum 4-year term for professional services contracts, and would not
be extended again pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 13-1-150, Multi-term contract; specified
The completion of these design services at the time of the contract expiration were verbally
authorized by the Public Works Department, and a pay application was submitted by the Engineer
of Record, MolzenCorbin for design services provided without a valid contract in place.
The attached list of design services (attachment A) was provided by the Engineer of Record. The
County benefited from the design services provided and the Engineer incurred cost for providing
the services.
Contract Number: 019-0007-PW/KE
Start Date: 6/4/2024
Division: LAND USE
Item: TEST Release of Affordable Mortgage Nicole Duran
Contractor: TEST Nicole Duran
Purpose: Fully Executed Release of Affordable Mortgage Nicole Duran
Contract Number: 2019-0062-GM-DD
Start Date: 5/16/2024
Division: Corrections
Item: TEST - Agreement For Inmate Confinement Between The County of Santa Fe County and Los Alamos County
Contractor: Los Alamos County
Purpose: The Contractor is in need of a facility for the incarceration, care, and maintenance of persons charged with or arrested for a crime in the Contractor’s County who are either in need of housing while being conveyed or awaiting conveyance to the jail of the Contractor’s County or in imminent danger house in the Contractor’s facility.
Contract Number: TEST 2013-0037-CORR/SS
Start Date: 5/10/2024
Item: Test 123
Contractor: test FSC
Purpose: mkansldns
Contract Number: Test 2021-0022
Start Date: 5/2/2024
Division: LAND USE
Item: Release of Affordable Mortgage Nicole Duran
Contractor: Nicole Duran
Purpose: Release of Affordable Mortgage
Contract Number: 2019-0062-GM-DD
Start Date: 2/16/2023
Division: FIRE
Item: Amendment No. 1 CBA Consulting
Contractor: CBA Consulting
Purpose: Santa Fe County Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement with CBA Consulting to Provide Consulting Pharmacist.
Contract Number: 2018-0023-FD-IC
Start Date: 2/16/2023
Division: DWI
Item: Amendment No. 2 NMAOC
Contractor: New Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts
Purpose: Amendment No. 2 to Memorandum of Understanding between the New Mexico Administrative Office of the courts and Santa Fe County.
Contract Number: 2017-0007-DWI-MM
Start Date: 2/16/2023
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