The Santa Fe County Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Program process is outlined 2015 Sustainable Growth Management Plan (SGMP) and the TDR procedures and regulations are identifed in Chapter 12 of the Sustainable Land Development Code (SLDC).

The purpose of the TDR program is to promote the preservation of agriculture, rural open space, and rural character, scenic vistas, natural features, areas of special character or special historic, cultural or aesthetic interest or value, and environmental resources for the benefit of residents of Santa Fe County.  The TDR Program is a voluntary, incentive-based, market-driven approach to preserving agricultural land, open space and other critical resources while encouraging development in designated County growth areas.  The sale of TDRs allows qualifying landowners to receive financial compensation without having to sell or fully develop their land. Developers in designated areas are able to increase the intensity of a project through acquisition of TDRs in order to put additional dwelling units, height, or non-residential square footage in their projects.

For more information, please contact: 

Herbert Foster, Planning Team Leader, TDR Program