The Title VI Civil Rights Act and Environmental Justice Executive Order are federal requirements that assure that there will not be discriminatory practices for any person with regards to race, color, national origin, disability, or age in the planning and implementation of federal grant projects. To view the Santa Fe County Title VI and Environmental Justice Policy Statement in English, please click HERE.

To view the Santa Fe County Notice of Title VI Rights, please click HERE.

To view the County’s USDOT Standard Title VI/Non-Discrimination Assurances, please click HERE

El Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles y el Decreto Ejecutivo del Justicia Ambiental son requisitos federales que aseguran que no habrá discriminación para cualquier persona con respecto a raza, color, origen nacional, discapacidad o edad en la planificación y ejecución de proyectos de subvenciones federales. Para ver la Declaración de Política Título VI y de Justicia Ambiental del Condado de Santa Fe en español, por favor clic AQUI.

Para ver el Aviso de Derechos Título VI del Condado de Santa Fe, por favor clic AQUI.


Making a Title VI Complaint

Any person who believes he or she has been subject to an unlawful discriminatory practice in the receipt of Santa Fe County services or programs may file a complaint. Any such complaint must be in writing and filed with the New Mexico Department of Transportation within 180 days following the date of the alleged discriminatory occurrence. 

For information on how to file a complaint, please click HERE.

Cualquier persona que cree que el o ella ha sido objeto de una pratica discriminatoria ilegal en la recepcion de programas o servicios del Condado de Santa Fe puede presentar una queja. Cualquier denuncia debe ser por escrito y presentada ante el Departamento de Transporte de Nuevo Mexico dentro de 180 dias siguientes a la fecha de la supuesta aparicion discriminatoria. 

Para obtener informacion sobre como presentar una queja, por favor clic AQUI





The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in everyday activities.  Under Title II of the ADA, local governments must provide people with disabilities an equal opportunity to benefit from all of their programs, services, and activities. 

Public entities that have 50 or more employees are required to have a grievance procedures and to designate at least one responsible employee to coordinate ADA compliance. To view the Santa Fe County ADA Policy Statement and Grievance Procedures, please click HERE.

In addition, public entities with 50 or more employees are required to develop a transition plan detailing the facility improvements that will be undertaken to ensure equal access for people with disabilities.  To view the Executive Summary for the 2018 Santa Fe County ADA Transition Plan, please click HERE. To view the 2024 Addendum to the Santa Fe County ADA Transition Plan, which contains supplemental information for the Plan, please click HERE.

For more information about ADA regulations, please visit ADA.gov or call the ADA toll-free numbers at 1-800-514-0301 (Voice) and 1-833-610-1264 (TTY).  If you have any questions about this web page or if you would like additional information about any specific project in the ADA Transition Plan, please contact Ben Bachwirtz-Lopez, Senior Transportation Planner, at 505-986-6215 or bbachwirtzlopez@santafecountynm.gov