News and Articles


County to Host Water Conservation Event

The Santa Fe County Water Conservation Program will be hosting a Water Conservation Fair on August 23rd at the Santa Fe Community College Campus Center and Jemez Rooms from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.Some


County Court Program Seeks Youth Interested in Being Teen Attorneys

The Santa Fe County Teen Court Program is looking for 9th, 10th or 11th graders from any high school in Santa Fe - public or private - who are interested in being trained to be an attorney at Teen


County Clerk Releases Election Schedule

Santa Fe County Clerk Valerie Espinoza announces upcoming General Election schedule:Deadline to register to participate in the General Election on November 4th: Oct. 7thRegistration locations :Santa


County Development Review Committee Special Meeting Minutes Available Online

Minutes of the Santa Fe County Development Review Committee Special Meeting held on August 5, 2008 are now available online.Click here for CDRC Meeting Minutes and Agendas page


Revised Aamodt Legislation Introduced; Regional Water System to Help End Historic Legal Dispute

The oldest lawsuit in American history is one step closer to being settled.  Today, Senator Pete Domenici and Senator Jeff Bingaman introduced federal legislation (S.3381) to authorize and fund


County Challenges Community to Go Green

Santa Fe County Commissioner Virginia Vigil is encouraging residents to participate in two challenges designed to save the environment.  “Living more eco-friendly and conscious of the


State Board of Finance Approves Santa Fe Studios Deal

The New Mexico State Board of Finance has approved the Santa Fe Studios transaction with Santa Fe County .  The project is the first major economic development project for Santa Fe County


County Wins National Award for \‘Effective\’ and \‘Creative\’ Program

Santa Fe County has been awarded a National Achievement Award by the National Association of Counties (NACo) for “effective” and “creative” programming for the County’s


County Moves Forward in Creating New RTD with City; First Important Date Approaches

Santa Fe County prepares for the first important date in the creation of a new Regional Transit District (RTD), July 24.  July 24th is the day that the first public notice announcing a joint


Commissioner Montoya Reappointed as Chair of National Labor & Employment Committee

National Association of Counties (NACo) President Don Stapley has reappointed Santa Fe County Commissioner Harry Montoya as chair of NACo’s Labor and Employment Steering Committee for