News and Articles


March 29, 2016 BCC Summary

Below is a summary of the actions taken by the Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners (BCC).  All five Commissioners were present.BCC meeting minutes from the February 23, 2016 were approved by


Santa Fe County announces public meetings for the 2016 Agriculture Revitalization Initiative

The Agriculture Revitalization Initiative aims is to support and enhance agriculture and ranching in Santa Fe County.  Five meetings have been scheduled throughout the County beginning later


County Trail Days 2016 - Get Up. Get Out. Get Moving.

Get Up. Get Out. Get Moving.Connecting you to the Outdoor Treasures of Santa Fe County. Santa Fe County Open Space, Trails, and Parks are located in your backyard and we want you to get outside


Treasurer’s Office Announces Community Outreach Tax Collection Schedule

Residents can pay their taxes at any of the Community Outreach Tax Collections (see full schedule below). Residents can also pay their property taxes at the Treasurer’s Office, 102 Grant Ave.,


Opportunity for Free Dental Care this week April 8 and April 9

Santa Fe: The New Mexico Mission of Mercy (NM MOM) in Santa Fe, New Mexico, at the Santa Fe Convention Center, has recruited over 1,200 volunteers to help staff New Mexico’s largest charity


Santa Fe County has a Map to Guide Your Outdoor Adventure!

Santa Fe County has created an online, interactive trails map that is available to the public. The map includes hundreds of miles of trails throughout Santa Fe County, including County trails and


Santa Fe County is Seeking Transportation Advisory Committee Members

Santa Fe County is seeking District 1 and District 3 residents to serve on the Santa Fe County Transportation Advisory Committee. The Board of County Commissioners (BCC) will appoint a total of 13


County Launches Transfer of Development Rights Program

The Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved Resolution No. 2016-33, a Resolution directing staff to initiate the Santa Fe County Transfer of Development Rights Program (TDR).TDRs


2016 Primary Absentee and Early Voting Schedules

2016 Primary Absentee and Early Voting


Look for Your Notice of Value in the Mail - Assessor Announces Community Outreach Schedule

Notice of Values to be Mailed on April 1The Santa Fe County Assessor’s Office would like to notify residents they should be receiving their Notices of Value in the mail within the next few